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We help homeowners save on their energy bills whilst also significantly reducing their carbon footprint.

£7,500 in Government Grants (heat pump only)

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    Start Saving Money By Installing Eco-Friendly Heating Systems

    Tired of skyrocketing utility bills and want a more affordable approach without compromising on quality or durability? Invest in your home by installing an air source heat pump (ashp) and or solar panels to protect yourself against rising energy costs. Both offer substantial benefits, in terms of cost savings, environmental impact, and energy efficiency.

    They provide effective solutions for homeowners looking to reduce their energy demands without compromising comfort and quality of life. Lower energy costs mean better savings helping your budget each month.

    Fill out the form and one of our experts will get in touch to talk about your property in order to make a bespoke plan that assures maximised savings, as well as contributing positively towards the environment.

    Discover the Benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps


    Reliable Performance

    Up to 4 times more efficient than a boiler and twice its life expectancy.



    Decrease your carbon footprint whilst adding value to your property.


    Huge Savings

    Reduce your heating bill by up to 70%. Eligible for houses with no central heating system.

    Reduced condensation

    By keeping a continually warm home, it helps to keep your walls dry which reduces dampness.

    Who are We?

    We are Domestic Renewable Energy Experts specialised in installing high-efficiency Air Source Heat Pumps and Solar Panels. We find environmentally friendly energy reduction solutions for homeowners.


    Still unsure?

    Still have a few questions or not sure whether it’s the best solution for you?

    What are heat pumps and why should you get one?

    A heat pump is the most efficient way to heat a home in the UK. It is classed as renewable technology. They extract energy from the ambient outdoor air to generate heat energy. They use a quarter of the amount of energy that a boiler uses to achieve the same warmth in your home.

    How do they work?

    They work like a fridge in reverse creating heat instead of cooling. An air source heat pump generates heat from the outside ambient air for your home to provide heating and hot water all year round, even if it is minus 20 °C outside.

    What are the types of Air Source Heat Pump?

    The 2 main types are monoblock and split systems. Most houses tend to have monoblock systems due the them usually being more suitable for retrofit houses where a fossil fuel heating system is being replaced by a heat pump.

    Do they need maintenance?

    This is recommended. Regular maintenance includes checking and cleaning air filters, ensuring the outdoor unit is clear of debris, and checking refrigerant levels. Proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of the pump to 25-30 years.

    What are their main benefits?
    • Energy Efficiency: They are more efficient than traditional heating systems like gas boilers.

    • Environmental Impact: They use renewable energy from the air, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

    • Cost Savings: They can lower heating bills and may be eligible for government incentives.
    Do I need planning permission to install one?

    In most cases, air source heat pumps and solar panels are covered by permitted development and do not require planning permission. However, in conservation areas or listed buildings this may differ.

    What are heat pumps and why should you get one?

    A heat pump is the most efficient way to heat a home in the UK. It is classed as renewable technology. They extract energy from the ambient outdoor air to generate heat energy. They use a quarter of the amount of energy that a boiler uses to achieve the same warmth in your home.

    How do they work?

    They work like a fridge in reverse creating heat instead of cooling. An air source heat pump generates heat from the outside ambient air for your home to provide heating and hot water all year round, even if it is minus 20 °C outside.

    What are the types of Air Source Heat Pump?

    The 2 main types are monoblock and split systems. Most houses tend to have monoblock systems due the them usually being more suitable for retrofit houses where a fossil fuel heating system is being replaced by a heat pump.

    Do they need maintenance?

    This is recommended. Regular maintenance includes checking and cleaning air filters, ensuring the outdoor unit is clear of debris, and checking refrigerant levels. Proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of the pump to 25-30 years.

    What are their main benefits?
    • Energy Efficiency: They are more efficient than traditional heating systems like gas boilers.
    • Environmental Impact: They use renewable energy from the air, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
    • Cost Savings: They can lower heating bills and may be eligible for government incentives.
    Do I need planning permission to install one?

    In most cases, air source heat pumps and solar panels are covered by permitted development and do not require planning permission. However, in conservation areas or listed buildings this may differ.

    Brands We Work With

    Air Source Heat Pumps

    Solar Panels

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    01777 717 435

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